10 Reasons why “Strongman Training” gets results

  1. It will get you strong (D’OH !) – Do not mistake strong for getting big. Yes you can get big and strong, if that’s your goal, but you can also get epically strong without getting huge, we will teach and coach you, whatever your goals are.
  2. It will make you more functional strong, for everyday life – Using Tyres, yokes, farmers handles, atlas stones, beer kegs etc will give you ‘Old School’ strength, a raw man strength, lifting and moving weights, you never dreamed possible.
  3. Movement Patterns – Covering all aspects of human movement – pulling, pushing, squatting, walking with load, rotating, carrying unbalanced, odd loads over distance.
  4. Posterior chain speed and strength – Lifting atlas stones, beer kegs, flipping tyres will build a dynamic powerful posterior chain, which will carry over to your other training, life and any sport you play. (maybe not darts though)
  5. Carry over – Strongman training has a massive carry over to both day to day function and other training modalities, barbell work may not improve your strongman, but yoke carries etc will improve a lot of your barbell work.
  6. Every Man can do Strongman – Strongman training is quick to coach and learn. Its scalable to all levels, you can and will be lifting/carrying more weight than you think on your FIRST session. It’s as simple as you’ll lift it, carry it, pull it, hold it, till you can’t.
  7. It has been around forever – Men carrying, moving, lifting odd, heavy objects is in our genes. We are built to do this, its in our nature. Look at the proper Old strongmen lifted huge weights, without machines or YouTube videos, they just lifted shit, then lifted heavier shit.
  8. There may be blood sweat and tears – It will test you, push your buttons and boundaries, take you to, where you thought your limits were, then take you beyond them. Blood, sweat and tears – maybe. Smiles and job done satisfaction – definitely
  9. Take it Outdoors – As all the Equipment we need is movable, we can take it outdoors. Train in the sun (once a year in Glasgow) no limitations of walls, you can carry loads for as long as you physically can. Get fresh air into your lungs. Especially if you’re stuck in an office all day, We’ll get you out and moving
  10. It’s FUN – Yes fun, Strongman training is something you will love, you will be counting the hours till the sessions, and you will love it. Do not mistake fun for easy, this will take you to your limits, this will try and break you, but this will also make you smile, like no other training you have ever done. When was the last time you laughed after being on the leg extension?
  11. OK – I lied – there are more than 10 reasons. Proper grip strength – Carrying, pulling, loaded walks will create a vice like grip, no more panics when handed a jar with a stuck lid – the only worries you’ll have is not breaking the jar
  12. Its fucking cool – In this selfie, facebook, Instagram world, who doesn’t want to have awesome photos ( we will have a professional photographer at sessions occasionally)of them lifting big shit, flipping tyres, carrying twice, three times your body weight. Yeah you know you do!
  13. Its Short and very sweet – Sessions don’t take long, but are highly effective, you will see results and feel the effects quickly.
  14. What did you do this weekend ? – Yeah, you will be able to brag to mates in pub, Monday morning at work etc A lot better than “ I managed 3 x 10 reps on pec deck”
  15. It’s a great team builder – You will, at times do partner or team work. Motivating, being motivated, inspiring, being inspired, driving, being driven by partners, team mates these sessions will push you even further, but also give you faith and strength as a team.
  16. It makes you better – Stronger, faster, more confident, a better team player, a better individual, a greater sense of belief, plus make you laugh and smile more
  17. No one ever said that they felt too strong ! – enough said !