
Hitting Your (Health, Fitness, Life)Targets More Consistently

WAYS TO CONSISTENTLY SUCCEED Are you one of these people, who start things, do well for a wee while, then it slides, something else takes over you forget all about it. Or you don’t get the results as quickly as you hoped, it all becomes too much effort and hard work. The goal is just too far away. Maybe you have a 'bad' weekend, when you don't stick to your goals, maybe that happened over the weekend there ? Well I’ve put together a list of strategies, protocols and routines that will help you reach all your goals (unfortunately it still

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Tips For Putting Your Phone Away (Don’t panic it’s not forever)

Reasons/ways to put your phone away If, you’re anything like me, you check your phone/social media way too much. I actually shut down Facebook on my tablet and then opened it on my phone straight away, as though it was going to be something different !! A lot of the trouble today is people have FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when you’re worried what everyone else is doing. Are they having more fun than you? Are they eating better looking food at a fancier restaurant ? Are they at a better gig? The list goes on and on. What you

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The biggest risk to my life is ME !

Asking The Question As a man under the age of 50, the biggest risk of death for me, is ME !!! What the Fuck ! I heard this alarming fact while watching a programme on BBC last night. Bigger than Cancer, obesity, car accident I’ll repeat this, the greatest risk to my life is me Suicide takes more men under the age of 50 than any other form of death ! WHY ? This is a tricky reason to nail down but I’ll go over some of the highest factors Suffering a major loss or trauma in your life can

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Fit after 30, F#$k the Dad Bod

FIT FROM 30 AND BEYOND You may have flew through your 20’s playing sports, going to gym, nights out and back playing, training the next day without thinking too much about it, a little bit invincible. Then you hit your 30’s, maybe your recovery isn’t quite what it was, hangovers lasting a little bit longer, other priorities take over, family, work etc. So you have less time. Does this mean that having a decent level of fitness and strength are behind you, never to be regained ? Thankfully I can tell you that's far from the truth, with the right

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What the f**k are “man skills”?

Man skills?!  "What the f@5k is that then?", I hear you ask. Or perhaps you have your own idea of what a man should be, how he should behave, what he should do in this 21st Century. Well, we definitely aren’t going to try and create a group of robot ‘perfect’ men. Everyone looking, thinking, doing and saying the exact same as each other. We are looking to improve you, who you are and how you live your life. We'll help you create a better life for yourself by learning new skills and new ways of being and doing. SKILLS AND TOPICS WE

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Benefits of speed training

We incorporate a lot of speed/sprint work in our Glasgow Man Club sessions, here are a few reasons why – Body Composition – Sprinting, speed work or high intensity Interval training has been proven to be a great fat burner and muscle builder. You only have to look at a sprinters physique, compared to a marathon runner. Improved endurance and work Capacity - As sprint training, can help increase muscle and fast twitch muscle fibres; you will become faster and more powerful. This will lead to a faster ‘comfortable pace’ when running, cycling etc. This will also help increase your

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Why you can’t beat barbell training

Barbells are one of the best pieces of equipment for training with. Most big compound exercise can be done with a barbell. From Deadlifts, Bench Press, Olympic Lifting, Squatting or Pressing, the barbell will allow you to take these exercises from a bare barbell up to whatever weight you need. Most barbell exercises are compound movements (using a lot of body parts working together). The barbell is very simple tool, so it is easy to learn the basic lifts quickly. With GMC coaching, anyone without any debilitating pre-conditions can learn most barbell exercises quickly. Olympic lifts may be an exception

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6 Reasons Why Kettlebells Are Frickin’ Awesome

Kettlebells are another highly versatile tool, we will be using a lot of during GMC sessions, for those that don’t know, a kettlebell is metal ball with a handle, if you can imagine that. They generally come in two forms, competition kettlebells, which are made of cast steel and are all the same physical size, no matter what they weigh, these as the name suggests are used in Kettlebell competitions. Then you get Russian kettlebells, usually made of cast iron, these get larger in size as the weight goes up. Kettlebells have been around for hundreds of years and for

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Nutrition 101 – GMC style

Well, here we are at the nutrition page. This section has probably the biggest amount of information, what with all the ‘magical’ diets, myths, and beliefs than any of our other core subjects at the Glasgow Man Club. Our aim is to improve your knowledge on nutrition and your diet, by diet we mean the food you eat, day in day out, not a ‘fad diet’ that promises the fastest results. We will be explaining, why these diets don’t work and how you can gain optimal results, by eating the correct foods at the correct time. There are no points

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10 Reasons why “Strongman Training” gets results

It will get you strong (D’OH !) - Do not mistake strong for getting big. Yes you can get big and strong, if that’s your goal, but you can also get epically strong without getting huge, we will teach and coach you, whatever your goals are. It will make you more functional strong, for everyday life - Using Tyres, yokes, farmers handles, atlas stones, beer kegs etc will give you ‘Old School’ strength, a raw man strength, lifting and moving weights, you never dreamed possible. Movement Patterns – Covering all aspects of human movement – pulling, pushing, squatting, walking with

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