5 Benefits Of An Online/Hybrid Program

As you may know a couple of months ago I closed GMC HQ to focus on a more online/hybrid coaching system.
After many years of working in or owning a gym, I realised I could transform men’s lives in a bigger, better way by focusing my coaching skills on the bigger picture, not just what you do in the gym.

Online training can be seen as a step back from actual 1:1 in person training, where as it has the potential to create better, longer lasting results.
There are many reasons for this, some of which you may not have thought about.

So I thought I’d explain some of the reasons I believe online coaching would be better for YOU
Before I go into the 5 benefits, I want to clarify what working with an ‘online coach’ actually means because this can easily be misunderstood.

It means. . .
– Having a coach design a workout and/or nutrition program for you.
– Communicating directly with a fitness professional on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

It does NOT mean purchasing a program online without having any human actually coach you, communicate with you, and get feedback from you along the way.

There will be actual ‘coaching’ and with my program regular in person events and training. This is where the Hybrid part comes in

Here are the 5 major benefits working with an online trainer/coach (me) and why it would be a great option for you.

1) Accountability
This is one of the main reason to hire a coach. You may know the exercises, the nutrition side that you should follow to reach your goals. But you don’t do them or stick with them. Having someone hold you accountable, who you have to report to, makes an incredible difference in your execution and results.

If you’ve ever had an accountability partner or coach in your business, career, or another area, chances are you know the impact this can have on results. The same goes for your fitness.

2) More Affordable

Hiring a Personal Trainer (me) is not an inexpensive commitment. I charge £50-£60 for one session. Online Coaching is an opportunity to work with me for a fraction of that price. Yet, you are still getting all the knowledge, guidance, and programming I have learned over the last 20years.
For less than the price of 1 session a week

3-4 programmed sessions a week, designed to fit your schedule
Nutritional advice that works with you and your lifestyle
Mindset and habits creating sessions – stopping you from constantly falling off your health and fitness journey

3) Time Saving

Most men I speak to mention how little time they have to train and think they’d need to spend hours in the gym to get results. Its very easy to go to the gym, with no set plan own and decide what exercises to do when you get there. There is no plan set beforehand. Which usually ends up, you spend a bit of time on a treadmill, bike or crosstrainer ‘warming up’ then wander about looking for machines that you know how to use or there is no one using them. Do a wee bit then leave.

Whereas going in with a set plan, every exercise laid out for you, so you don’t have to think about it. JUST DO IT
This includes your reps, sets, and rest periods all laid out as well. Once you have specific rest periods to stick to, you will also see your overall time in the gym decrease.
In and out in under an hour.

4) Train Smarter

One of the main reasons I’m moving to an online/hybrid approach is also because I realised that there were a lot of men who either couldn’t attend my actual gym from a logistical point of view or with timings of sessions. With the online/hybrid program more men can benefit from my coaching.

I found that a high percentage of men who go to the gym on their own aren’t sure what type of exercises would help them see real results. You just end up doing the exercise you feel comfortable with.
By providing a step-by-step program, I can help you maximize the use of your gym, eliminate the guesswork and the boring cardio. Creating greater results in a shorter time and removing the humming and hawing walking about the gym.

I can also swap exercise to suit
Your fitness levels
The equipment available to you
Any injuries or mobility issues etc you may have

With any program, you can also see the progressions, know when to increase weights or reps or time etc
Again removing the guess work

5) Not alone on your journey – Be a part of a community/team

After spending nearly 20 years in the fitness industry in various settings, I’ve noticed that most people are on a constant roller coaster of being consistent for a while and then falling off track for a while.
(Not everyone, but many people are).

They may lose some weight then gain it back a few months later.
Or get stronger and fitter for a bit, then STOP

One reason I believe so many people are experiencing this is because they are on their fitness and health journey completely on their own.

With GMC and the hybrid part of the program, you will always feel part of a team, a group. I’m only looking to train men from the Glasgow area. Our Facebook group and in person events will ensure you do feel part of that team. Not chatting to a coach or felloe program participants who live in different countries.

It’s so much easier to skip a workout, 8 workouts, a month of workouts when there is no one you answer to. Whether it be a workout partner, a coach, accountability partner, anyone.

Having a coach with you on the journey can make the difference from being on that inconsistent roller coaster or not.

Those are my 5 benefits of working with an online fitness coach. I hope this provided some information that was helpful and I wish you the best on your journey

Check out the MAN ON FIRE Program HERE