A Typical GMC Training Week

Maybe you’ve been following Glasgow Man Club on social media, but still unsure what type of training we do.
Or if its for you
So, I’m going to let you see what the guys got up to this week, you can even go try it out (only if you know how to do the exercises safely and correctly)

At GMC we train 3 times a week, with the occasional weekend technique class to focus on anything you might be having difficulties with or haven’t done before.

Here it is

**All sessions have a warm up section based on session to follow**

20 minutes Deadlift and strict press
With this session there are different options
1 deadlift and 1 press every 30 seconds
3 deadlifts and 3 strict press every minute

2 deadlifts and 2 strict press every 30 seconds

Part 2
Circuit 12 minute EMOM – 4 rounds
1. 150 Metre row
2. 5- 8 thrusters – kettlebell or dumbbell
3 – 45 second or max effort plank

Part 3
12 minute EMOM
1 20 Metre Prowler
2. 8-10 wall balls
3. 3-5 sandbag over shoulder


10 Minute EMOM
5 Squats – barbell, kettlebell or some kind of remedial drill

part 2
10 minute EMOM
5 X Bench press

Part 3
20 minute EMOM
1. 20 kettlebell see saw press
2. 8 Push Press
3. 8 – 10 ring rows
4. 10 box jumps


12 minute team work
Max Distance prowler run

Part 2
12 minute team work
Max effort Farmers walk

Part 3
Tabata sessions

1 – Rower
2. Thrusters
3. Mountain climbers
4. Walking plank

And thats it, 3 sessions, mixing a lot of fitness components

A few people ask if 3 sessions a week is enough, well that gets you 150 sessions a year, give or take, when was the last time you did 150 sessions a year, without having a break cause you were injured, worn out, fed up, bored.
Consistency is key, look at the bigger picture, not just how you can destroy yourself in one session.

Let me know how you get on if you try these

If you like the look of this, April membership is now open and can be booked here