Benefits of speed training

We incorporate a lot of speed/sprint work in our Glasgow Man Club sessions, here are a few reasons why –
  1. Body Composition – Sprinting, speed work or high intensity Interval training has been proven to be a great fat burner and muscle builder. You only have to look at a sprinters physique, compared to a marathon runner.
  2. Improved endurance and work Capacity – As sprint training, can help increase muscle and fast twitch muscle fibres; you will become faster and more powerful. This will lead to a faster ‘comfortable pace’ when running, cycling etc. This will also help increase your work capacity.
  3. Heart and Lung Function – High Intensity Training will improve both your heart and lung efficiency, which will not only help while training, this is also a major factor in keeping you healthy for every day life.
  4. Better results, in shorter time – You will experience greater results, doing short, intense work periods, than steady state exercise can provide.
  5. Whole body workout – Propelling your body at speed, requires most  parts of your body, so everywhere gains improvements. It also helps create a mental toughness that will, give you more confidence in your ability to do anything.