

Changing Old Resolutions

We’re now into December and if you’re planning on making 2019 the best year yet then I suggest you read this.⁣ ⁣ One more month until everyone is going to change the habits they don’t like.⁣ ⁣ The problem is we’ve done this year in & year out making promises we don’t end keeping.⁣ ⁣ It’s not our faults we’re doing the best we can with the skills we have. We start the diets, get back into the gym, determined that this time we’ll definitely stick to our plans – this will be the year But we do it, by

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Ways to Increase Your Masculinity

'Man Up' has seen it's day Masculinity may mean different things to different people and it can be confusing in today's life as to what and how masculine Men should be ! You may see a lot of posts, about being the 'Alpha Male' ' How to Man Up' ' How to be in touch with your more feminine side' and all the others in between. At Glasgow Man Club we aim to help you become more masculine- but what do we see that as ? Clue - It isn't the big guy in the pub mouthing off, or who's

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I Fucked Up

I Owe You An Apology A wee break from the 'what GMC’s is’ series, sorry about that but this has been on my mind and felt it needed saying. I feel I’ve been unhelpful to you and I apologise. You see the idea of Glasgow Man Club has been in my head since 2012, constantly evolving adding things to it, while all staying mostly in my head, just a bit of a dream, nothing genuinely real, no actual structure or place to do it, just a fairy tale. I was living in fantasy land! As long as it remained a

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Family Matters

FAMILY WHAT DOES FAMILY MEAN TO YOU ? Family - partners, children, siblings, parents, grandparents, friends, pets they can all or some play major roles in all your life or small but meaningful times, good times, hard times, life changing times. At GMC we'll look at how you can create the best in each of these relationships. From phoning your Mum more, cause she still worries about her son. Telling your parents you love them. Raising the bar in your current relationship, with your wife or partner, do you still put the same effort in as you did when you

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Fuel – Part 2

FUEL ( part 2 Food) FOOD gives or takes away the energy you need to be the man you want to be. It's easy in the Glasgow and the west of Scotland to fall into bad habits, the chippies, the deep fried pizza, or just normal pizza, all the other takeaways, the 'couple of beers' watching the football or shitty tv on week nights, the uncountable beers, shots and halves over the weekend. Now we're (GMC) not telling you stop all of these, although you can't get the results you say you want doing it constantly. Actually giving a fuck

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Whats Your Inner Fire?

Part 2 of what GMC actualy does Your inner FIRE, what drives you, motivates, inspires you to become better, to keep going when everything else tells you to give up. This is what GMC will help you find, remind you about it when you hit a low. Keep you accountable to it. Whether it's the ability to run about with your kids, get rid of that beer belly, rekindle your love of life, make more money, change jobs, have kids, better relationships - whatever drives you. Working together within a group of like minded men who will hold you to

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Fitness – Why GMC is based around your health and Fitness

Part 1 of the 6 Fundamental F's of G.M.C First a question - what are your biggest obstacles to getting levels of fitness and body shape you desire ? FITNESS and health are the main foundations on which G.M.C is based. If you're not looking after yourself, you probably won't be as good a help to those in your life. Working on 3 strength and conditioning sessions a week. You will be working within a group of like minded men, creating a powerful team dynamic. Although working within a group each man will have aspersions,used program tailored to their goals

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Find The Reasons To Give Up Your Excuses

What reason do you need to give up your excuses ? So, you’ve read my blogs, followed my facebook. Typed all the questions into Google, looking for that ‘thing’ the magic pill, the big secret to achieving what you want. But still not found 'the answer' What if I were to say, you’ve already found the answer? You know you have So why aren’t you where you want to be physically, mentally, relationship wise ? EXCUSES, EXCUSES, EXCUSES I’ve probably heard them all and definitely used some of them myself “I don’t have the time” how long are you on

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Overwhelm, ma Heid’s burst

Information, Information, Information It’s fucking everywhere !!! Want to know something we google it and then spend hours hunting through all the options, all the downloads, all the videos, before finally forgetting what the question was. Too much conflicting information, just adds to an already confused brain. I hear this from a lot of men when discussing what G.M.C comprises of, what is expected, what work you need to do. Once I start explaining all the service G.M.C provides I can see how it can easily become overwhelming, seem like too much to take on, too much work, too much

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10 reasons why GMC coaches Strongman exercises

It will get you strong (D’OH !) - Do not mistake strong for getting big. Yes you can get big and strong, if that’s your goal, but you can also get epically strong without getting huge, we will teach and coach you, whatever your goals are. It will make you more functional strong, for everyday life - Using Tyres, yokes, farmers handles, atlas stones, beer kegs etc will give you ‘Old School’ strength, a raw man strength, lifting and moving weights, you never dreamed possible. Movement Patterns – Covering all aspects of human movement – pulling, pushing, squatting, walking with

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