
Fannying about with Fitness

How important is your fitness to you ? Are you a avid gym goer, beat yourself up if you miss a session or don't progress as well as you hoped ? Are you first to book into classes, first through the door? Follow a progressive program aimed at your specific goals ? Or do you fanny about ? It's something you'd like to enjoy more, the idea of being leaner, faster, stronger is appealing but it's boring. I get it, I used to be worse than I am now, if a class got cancelled or I didn't have a set

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What the f**k are “man skills”?

Man skills?!  "What the f@5k is that then?", I hear you ask. Or perhaps you have your own idea of what a man should be, how he should behave, what he should do in this 21st Century. Well, we definitely aren’t going to try and create a group of robot ‘perfect’ men. Everyone looking, thinking, doing and saying the exact same as each other. We are looking to improve you, who you are and how you live your life. We'll help you create a better life for yourself by learning new skills and new ways of being and doing. SKILLS AND TOPICS WE

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