
5 Benefits Of An Online/Hybrid Program

As you may know a couple of months ago I closed GMC HQ to focus on a more online/hybrid coaching system. After many years of working in or owning a gym, I realised I could transform men’s lives in a bigger, better way by focusing my coaching skills on the bigger picture, not just what you do in the gym. Online training can be seen as a step back from actual 1:1 in person training, where as it has the potential to create better, longer lasting results. There are many reasons for this, some of which you may not have

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Why Glasgow Man Club is important

Why surrounding yourself with like minded people is important I’ve recently been talking and listening to a lot of people about their lives and some giving me their opinion on the Glasgow Man Club, some good, some a bit mis informed as to what and mor e importantly why I see the Glasgow Man Club as a much needed place. Firstly, lets get some of the misconceptions I have heard out of the way – Glasgow Man Club is not ant of the following – anti female, a lads club for piss ups and stag do behaviour, a gay club,

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25 Top Tips You Can Implement in Your Life Today

Ah First Day back at work (for some anyway) Where did the festive period go ? Or are you glad it's done and back to 'normality' ? This is the week most people are likely to either start or workout what this years resolutions will be. Some of you will have very specific goals, while others a bit more general, lose a bit of weight, start back at gym, find a better job etc with no real target. You just know you want life better than it is now. With that in mind I've attached a PDF with 25 tips

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Try A New Way

December is here, you’re hopefully aware of that You probably fall into one of two camps, fed up with the whole thing already or getting a Christmas buzz on No matter which, the fact is it’s that time of year and almost another year done. That’s one of the points I want to make, looking back at this time last year, would you be happy at what you’ve achieved, proud, sad that it maybe something’s didn’t work out even though you started out trying to achieve them or even worse you feel ok about your year, didn’t do anything major

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Fitness – Why GMC is based around your health and Fitness

Part 1 of the 6 Fundamental F's of G.M.C First a question - what are your biggest obstacles to getting levels of fitness and body shape you desire ? FITNESS and health are the main foundations on which G.M.C is based. If you're not looking after yourself, you probably won't be as good a help to those in your life. Working on 3 strength and conditioning sessions a week. You will be working within a group of like minded men, creating a powerful team dynamic. Although working within a group each man will have aspersions,used program tailored to their goals

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10 reasons why GMC coaches Strongman exercises

It will get you strong (D’OH !) - Do not mistake strong for getting big. Yes you can get big and strong, if that’s your goal, but you can also get epically strong without getting huge, we will teach and coach you, whatever your goals are. It will make you more functional strong, for everyday life - Using Tyres, yokes, farmers handles, atlas stones, beer kegs etc will give you ‘Old School’ strength, a raw man strength, lifting and moving weights, you never dreamed possible. Movement Patterns – Covering all aspects of human movement – pulling, pushing, squatting, walking with

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More SEX , Money and a Six Pack

MORE SEX, MONEY AND A SIX PACK Those 3 subjects, how often have you seen them on the front page of the Men’s style, fitness and health magazines. This is what they are selling us, is it what we want Fucking right it is ! Are we going to get these by reading magazines, flicking through youtube, googling it Probably not Why ? Because these are written by some guy that's maybe never been to Glasgow, He doesn’t understand me, he doesn’t know me. He’s probably some rich smart arse PT/Coach that has no clue about the shit I go

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Hitting Your (Health, Fitness, Life)Targets More Consistently

WAYS TO CONSISTENTLY SUCCEED Are you one of these people, who start things, do well for a wee while, then it slides, something else takes over you forget all about it. Or you don’t get the results as quickly as you hoped, it all becomes too much effort and hard work. The goal is just too far away. Maybe you have a 'bad' weekend, when you don't stick to your goals, maybe that happened over the weekend there ? Well I’ve put together a list of strategies, protocols and routines that will help you reach all your goals (unfortunately it still

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Tips For Putting Your Phone Away (Don’t panic it’s not forever)

Reasons/ways to put your phone away If, you’re anything like me, you check your phone/social media way too much. I actually shut down Facebook on my tablet and then opened it on my phone straight away, as though it was going to be something different !! A lot of the trouble today is people have FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when you’re worried what everyone else is doing. Are they having more fun than you? Are they eating better looking food at a fancier restaurant ? Are they at a better gig? The list goes on and on. What you

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