Changing Old Resolutions

We’re now into December and if you’re planning on making 2019 the best year yet then I suggest you read this.⁣

One more month until everyone is going to change the habits they don’t like.⁣

The problem is we’ve done this year in & year out making promises we don’t end keeping.⁣

It’s not our faults we’re doing the best we can with the skills we have.

We start the diets, get back into the gym, determined that this time we’ll definitely stick to our plans – this will be the year

But we do it, by the doing the same things, that have failed us year in year out so many times before.

So in order to make 2019 the best year yet, we need to change, we need to understand that it’s impossible to create NEW results with OLD behaviours.⁣⁣⁣
And you can’t create NEW behaviours with your OLD belief systems.⁣⁣
You want to know the cool part??⁣⁣⁣
Most of our beliefs are absolute bullshit…⁣⁣
That has been built upon assumptions but also most are someone else’s fears and limits.⁣⁣
Which means you can BURN those old beliefs to the ground…⁣⁣⁣
If you’re wanting to make big changes in 2019 then I’d highly suggest to start right now laying brand new beliefs, that actually SERVE you and help you get what you want.⁣⁣
I’d start by questioning every one of my thoughts by asking myself ‘is that true?’⁣⁣
Nothing changes if nothing changes.⁣⁣
New Belief leads to…⁣⁣⁣
New Behaviour…⁣⁣⁣
New Behaviour leads to…⁣⁣⁣
STOP wasting your money, time and energy on the new solution without addressing the root cause of your problem.⁣

How often do you create these new resolutions and 100% believe you are actually going to stick with them ?

Or are they made more in hope than conviction ?

If you look back at (with true honesty) I’m sure you’ll find the answers to why they failed or what actually worked better than other things ?

Now, you can always try again this year, doing similar things and have the same approach, which will no doubt create the same outcome.

So, it’s time to change, time to find that new approach, hit the issues from different angle.
Learn new, simple but effective, ways to make sure you hit every goal you set

Doesn’t that make more sense ?

As always the choice is yours

Again, If you’ve already seen enough and know GMC is for you, go straight to sign up page below
We are running a competition till the end of the year, for every 5 men who sign up we’ll give away 1 their money back and they get the 90 days FREE. Your name will stay in the hat until end of December, the sooner you sign up the more chances of YOU winning

90 Day Glasgow Man Club Membership