Family Matters



Family – partners, children, siblings, parents, grandparents, friends, pets they can all or some play major roles in all your life or small but meaningful times, good times, hard times, life changing times.

At GMC we’ll look at how you can create the best in each of these relationships.

From phoning your Mum more, cause she still worries about her son. Telling your parents you love them.

Raising the bar in your current relationship, with your wife or partner, do you still put the same effort in as you did when you first met ? Maybe time to rekindle that fire ?

Spending quality time with your kids, individually, take them on date nights, put your phone down, step away from that screen, listen to what they did today.

They don’t really care about presents and all the new stuff if they never spend time with you, their Dad, you’re like a super hero

Your siblings, your mates how often do you do stuff with them ? Does ever time you meet just end up in a piss up ?

At GMC we help you build these relations back up, holding you to a higher standard and level of accountability, making you do what you said you would.

Strong family, strong bonds will help create the better life you seek.

Again, If you’ve already seen enough and know GMC is for you, go straight to sign up page below
We are running a competition till the end of the year, for every 5 men who sign up we’ll give away 1 their money back and they get the 90 days FREE. Your name will stay in the hat until end of December, the sooner you sign up the more chances of YOU winning

90 Day Glasgow Man Club Membership