Fannying about with Fitness

How important is your fitness to you ?
Are you a avid gym goer, beat yourself up if you miss a session or don’t progress as well as you hoped ?
Are you first to book into classes, first through the door? Follow a progressive program aimed at your specific goals ?

Or do you fanny about ?

It’s something you’d like to enjoy more, the idea of being leaner, faster, stronger is appealing but it’s boring.

I get it, I used to be worse than I am now, if a class got cancelled or I didn’t have a set program to do.
I’d still be at the gym, but I’d fanny about, a bit of Cross-trainer or bike, (cardio) watching the tv. Then head to the weights area, do 3 x 10 sets of some exercises at whatever weight felt ok. Then maybe a sauna – sound familiar

Fannying about – kidding myself on that at least I was doing something

Right ? We’re still there, we’re not in the pub having a few watching the footie (pat self on back – good lad)

But what is it that stops you from actually doing the work, you’re there, you’ve turned up, surely that’s the hardest part ?

Obviously not, because you’re fannying around

Not getting results, not doing much.

Maybe you need a PT? 1:1 sessions with someone pushing you through a torturous hour. Just once a week, cause PTing is expensive
Then what about the other 6 days of the week ? Yeah maybe your PT gave you a program, you may or may not follow that, or not as intense as you would when they were watching. Give yourself a little more rest time than he would, maybe go a little lighter. Boring

Fanny around

Still not getting results.

What if you could get 3 coached personalised sessions a week for the same cost as a PT once a week ?
Training in a fun way, within a group of like minded men.

Working hard but smiling too, getting awesome results

You’re definitely not going to fanny around then.

You can fanny around when you’re done. knowing you’ve actually done the work, moved towards your personal goals and results

Sounds much better eh ?

All you have to do to start this is