Find The Reasons To Give Up Your Excuses

What reason do you need to give up your excuses ?

So, you’ve read my blogs, followed my facebook.

Typed all the questions into Google, looking for that ‘thing’ the magic pill, the big secret to achieving what you want. But still not found ‘the answer’

What if I were to say, you’ve already found the answer?
You know you have

So why aren’t you where you want to be physically, mentally, relationship wise ?


I’ve probably heard them all and definitely used some of them myself

“I don’t have the time” how long are you on social media a day ?
“It’s too hard” you’ve not tried
“I tried before(for a week) and it didn’t work”
“I can’t afford it” but out every weekend on the piss
My favourite – “I’m not fit enough for training sessions” “ I’ll get myself a bit fitter then come and see you” Maybe try that the other way round, I’ll coach you, educate you, then you can go do more stuff yourself ?
“I don’t know how to cook” You’re an adult man, fucking learn

So, you never start, you keep waiting for that thing, the right time, the perfect moment – how’s that working out for you ?

How can you get yourself to start, find the reason to stop beat the excuses.
What if instead of having your ‘go to’ excuses not to do anything

You made a list of ‘go to’ reasons to make sure you did turn up, you did do the work

“I don’t want this beer belly anymore”

“I want to be able to play games with my kids and not be the fat dad on the park bench”

“I hate the fact my shirts buttons are ready to pop and I can’t wear my favourite clothes”

“I want my partner to actually be attracted to me, like they used to be, I want them to want to and enjoy having sex with me”

“I want more energy so I’m not too tired to have sex”

“I don’t want to have to basically beg for sex”

“I’m fed up feeling ‘old’ when I’m fucking not”
(yes I swore there, cause it bothers me, you should too, these things should piss you off, get you emotional, start a fire inside you)

“I want that team training environment I miss since stopping playing sports”

“I want to make my kids proud of me, like I am of them” Dad’s should be superheroes to their kids
That’s just a few, I’m sure you can think of your own, but you need to make them important

If not you are basically saying
“I’m happy being unhappy, my life is ‘OK’ I’ll settle for that”

That’s it?

That’s what you want to achieve in your life

Here lies …………….. He did OK

But “I can’t do it on my own”
Maybe you can’t, maybe you shouldn’t
Why, struggle through training sessions on your own?

Why battle on your own, with no support structure in place for those moments you feel the excuses rearing their head again?

What if you could stand up in a group of like minded men and say
“These are my goals, this is what I am going to achieve and this is when I’m going to achieve it”
Having a plan, 3 monthly, 60 days, 30 days, weekly, daily getting up everyday knowing you are going to move closer to those goals, become a better man.
Grow in confidence, mindset, motivation.

Improved body shape, energy, sexual drive.
Regain your partners love and admiration as they watch their man become the man they fell in love with, only better, their attraction getting bigger, rekindling those desires and passions like when you first met.

Or stick to your excuses, stay where you are

The choice is yours, always has been.

Hide in a world of sedation, pissed every weekend in One Up, still playing lad about town, snorting stuff, chatting up 18year old girls – still got it – yeah course you have.
Watching porn because it’s easier than trying to get it off your partner

Yeah those choices are all yours


Find your reason, Find that passion and purpose.
Set your goals, learn how to achieve them, on your own if that works or find someone/someplace to teach you

Let Glasgow Man Club become
The reason you gave up your excuses

P.S There is still time (up to 17th November ) to sign up for the FREE Months trial with GMC
E-mail me for details