Goal Achieving


When it comes to Goals setting and more importantly Goal achieving, we tend to fall into the following categories
1. I really want to achieve ………………. I know what is required to get that and I’m going to do that
2. I want to achieve ……………… not really sure what I need to do or if I’m willing to do what is required
3. I’m not really that fussed about achieving …………………………. but I’ll say I’m going to anyway and maybe fluke the result.

Which one are you ?
Goal setting is a really good way to keep improving, achieving bigger and better things so creating a happier better life for you and those in your life. So why do a lot of us, either never make goals or very seldom reach them ?
Lack of knowledge, unattainable goals, too hard, not enough time or maybe you didn’t really want it?
There are a lot of reasons for not achieving but what if you could guarantee results, 100 percent successes – every time.

Well there is a way – proper planning and consistency – every day consistency.

No matter how far away your goal is, let’s look at this example I’ve personally achieved this year.
I always knew my lack of consistency was a major key in not getting where I wanted to be, not sticking with things long enough for them to stick.

So at the start of this year I decided to find something I could do every day for a year.
Straight away I started finding excuses, ‘ I can’t commit to every day’ ‘A full year is too much’ blah blah blah

Telling myself the same old stories, that had stopped me before, this time I wasn’t going to be beaten.
So, I searched for something simple, that could be done quickly every day and have some reward at the end of it, that’s the whole point of goal setting –the reward.

Another thing I am bad with is money, who knows where mine goes ?
Anyway what if I could make a goal, a daily habit that then rewarded me with some Christmas money.
This is where I stumbled across this idea.

Starting on January 1st you put away some change.
From 1 pence to 365 pence, you can start at 1p then 2p then 3 p until last day of the year you put 365p


Work your way down from 365p to 1p
This gets you more than £650
I decided to work down and occasionally just put whatever change I had in, as long as I hadn’t put that amount in before. Printed off a sheet with all amounts on it and a calendar.
You can get these here https://skintdad.co.uk/skint-52-week-saving-challenge/
If you want to do this.
Anyway the point of this blog isn’t about the above project, but I am going to use it as an example of how ‘Goal Achieving’

So lets break it down

MY GOAL – Daily consistency over a year
MY PLAN – Put money away every day ranging from 1p to 365p
TRACK THIS – Use a calendar and money list
REWARD – Daily consistency and over £650

Breaking it down into daily routine, I did it first thing as soon as I got up, rather than looking at the whole year is a great way to approach goals.
I knew for a fact if I put money in every day I’d end up with £650 in cash and will have done something every day towards that.

There is no other outcome if I do what I said I would do, 30 seconds every day, maybe not even that !
Using these simple rules almost anything becomes impossible not to achieve.
Lets look at how this could work elsewhere
Lets say body weight, so not necessarily weight loss, maybe you want to put weight on

GOAL – Gain/lose body fat
PLAN – Follow set nutrition plan
TRACK THIS – Use a food diary or app on phone, scales (yes the dreaded scales) and adapt plan as necessary
REWARD – Nutritional consistency and acquired body weight/fat goal

This will work for anything, simply break it down into small chunks and do those, consistently, if you’re not sure how to break them down, find an expert in that field and ask for help.

Or keep doing it the way you have and keep getting those results

Again, If you’ve already seen enough and know GMC is for you, go straight to sign up page below
We are running a competition till the end of the year, for every 5 men who sign up we’ll give away 1 their money back and they get the 90 days FREE. Your name will stay in the hat until end of December, the sooner you sign up the more chances of YOU winning

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