Hitting Your (Health, Fitness, Life)Targets More Consistently


Are you one of these people, who start things, do well for a wee while, then it slides, something else takes over you forget all about it.

Or you don’t get the results as quickly as you hoped, it all becomes too much effort and hard work. The goal is just too far away.

Maybe you have a ‘bad’ weekend, when you don’t stick to your goals, maybe that happened over the weekend there ?

Well I’ve put together a list of strategies, protocols and routines that will help you reach all your goals (unfortunately it still takes time and effort)


Willpower and motivation may get you started but it probably won’t keep you going. You need some kind of leverage, a powerful Why (the ability to play with your kids for more than couple of minutes without sounding like a bull with asthma for example) something that you can call upon when you hit an obstacle and want to give up.



Everyday doesn’t need to be full on commitment if, for instance, you have a fitness goal you don’t need to go to the gym and hammer your body everyday, take a 15 minute walk, play some table tennis, throw a ball for the dog, anything make it enjoyable. The same goes for any goal eat an extra piece of fruit, watch or read an article on reaching your goals.



The stories you tell yourself, the way you talk to yourself is very powerful. If you constantly tell yourself you’re not good enough, you don’t deserve to improve, have what you want, live a better life. You will always struggle to reach goals and when you fail your brain will say “I knew you’d fail, i knew you couldn’t do that”

Would you talk to anyone else like this ? Why talk to yourself like that ?

Become more aware of negative thoughts and change them.

For instance – You’re not losing weight as quickly as you want, i’m still xxxlbs away from my target, this isn’t working

Change that to – WOW I’ve already lost xxxlbs and feeling much more energetic, sleeping better, this is amazing

Measuring backwards, seeing how far you’ve come will always be more beneficial that having your eye on the final destination. You will get there you just need to mark it out a step at a time.


Keep a daily record, whether its a food tracker, a daily journal, a training logbook whatever tracks your particular goals.

Planning workouts, meals, daily routines etc before you actually do them will increase your chances of staying on track significantly.

A set program before you go to the gym, go in get it done, leave. Rather than messing about on bits and bobs and not really doing anything progressive.

Meal preparation – if you start buying food when you’re hungry you’re more likely to just buy anything.

Track your food intake – you may very well be eating healthy food, but do you know how many calories, how much protein, fats and carbohydrates you are consuming ? There are plenty of apps to help you with this.

Record your daily wins –  Everyday make a note of 3 wins, no matter how small you can always find 3. Examples would be – hit my daily step target, took my kid on a date night, replaced my usual large cappuccino with a regular, only had 1 cigarette today.



As much as your goals and targets are highly important to you. This doesn’t mean the journey has to be a long arduous slog day after day. You need to enjoy the journey as much as, if not more than the final destination.

If you’re trying to get fitter and love spinning for example – Do that, if you hate spinning don’t.

Forcing yourself to eat foods you don’t like, because they’re healthy isn’t going to help. Eat the healthy foods you enjoy to start as your taste buds change you may find you like a wider variety of vegetables for example than you thought.

Yes some bits may be hard and obstacles will be a struggle to get over. If there are enough good bits you’ll face up to the worst bits easier.


  1. AIM BIG

There is a great danger for most of us – rather setting our aim too high and not reaching it, but setting our goals too low and achieving them.

Make your goals big, a bit scary, daunting, almost impossible feeling. Then break it up into manageable chunks and work your way through each one. Even if you don’t hit your target in your proposed timescale, I’ll guarantee your further along than you imagined or if you had set a smaller target.

Again as I said earlier, when you look how far you’ve come it will astound you.


  1. 90 DAY GOALS

90 Day goals (3 months) are a great way of breaking up a year (a quarter) so you can reassess, add more goals, bigger targets 4 times a year. Imagine the person you’ll be in a year having successfully hit 4 big targets. 90 day is also a long enough period of time to see changes, achieve targets without it seeming way way beyond you in the future. Keep a weekly tracker during the 90 days too, ensuring you are always on track.



Tell someone, tell everyone, post it on social media. If no one else knows no one else can help you if you hit an obstacle or stumbling block. Adding accountability is an amazing way of keeoing you on track, no one wants to be the person that didn’t do what they so proudly said they were going to do.