HO HO HO – T’is The Time To let Yourself Be Jolly

Christmas is just a few days away, Friday maybe your last day at work this year or at least I hope you’re getting a couple of days off ?
What should be a fun, relaxed, family and friends based time can for a few become a stress fest.

There are loads of reasons for this, money, what to buy for who, how much to spend, how much food and drink to buy, where will we go for Christmas dinner, who do we invite ?
Loads and Loads
I’m going to look at a couple that I hear from clients and members and see if we can help you, if they are something that happens to you.
Obviously it’s the time of year most people look back and evaluate the year, good and bad.
For my clients this can evolve around fitness goals and body weight.
And that’s where the stress of Christmas can really mess them up.
If you’ve had a consistent year with training and nutrition it can be hard when that gets broken, the gym is closed, you’re not at work and the routine disappears.
Will I lose my fitness ‘gains’ ?
Will I put loads of weight back on ?
What if I don’t train for a week ?
Well I have great news for you, It doesn’t matter, not really, not looking at the big picture.
If you have been consistent with your training and nutrition throughout the year 3 or 4 days eating ‘rubbish’ isn’t going to affect those results.
A week or so not training isn’t either, the break may actually help your body rest, recover and fire you straight into 2019 getting new gains.

If you have been eating well, then the chances of you eating ‘crap’ over the whole holiday period are very slim as well.
So if Christmas day is the day you eat and drink, chocolate, champagne, beers, Christmas desserts, crisps, whiskies, nothing healthy all day.
Then do it, enjoy the rare occasion that you do this.
Enjoy Christmas
If you can’t get to the gym for whatever reason, don’t stress, trust me, you’ll be fine.
Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t go to the gym or eat crap for the whole time, but don’t force yourself to go.
Don’t go, so you can be one of those people that post on Christmas Day or New Years day ‘look at me at the gym’ I’m amazing !
Go, if that’s the best, most fun, yes FUN, thing you can do on these special days.
Looking at the other side, maybe you’ve had a year, where you’ve not trained or ate well consistently enough to hit the goals you’d hoped too.
Well again, don’t beat yourself up about it now, it’s done, the year has gone.
Start with a new purpose and passion in the new year.
Again what you eat and drink between now and the end of the year aren’t going to affect what’s been done.
If anything use the time to find your goals and targets and make an unbreakable plan to hit them.
This will fire you up even more to enjoy the last few days of ‘the old you’ ready to start the ‘new you’ journey.

So, basically, spend the holidays, laughing, planning, doing the fun stuff that this time of year can bring.
Meet the friends you’ve been too busy to catch up with, the family members you only see now.

Laugh, smile and be jolly