

Nutrition 101 – GMC style

Well, here we are at the nutrition page. This section has probably the biggest amount of information, what with all the ‘magical’ diets, myths, and beliefs than any of our other core subjects at the Glasgow Man Club. Our aim is to improve your knowledge on nutrition and your diet, by diet we mean the food you eat, day in day out, not a ‘fad diet’ that promises the fastest results. We will be explaining, why these diets don’t work and how you can gain optimal results, by eating the correct foods at the correct time. There are no points

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10 Reasons why “Strongman Training” gets results

It will get you strong (D’OH !) - Do not mistake strong for getting big. Yes you can get big and strong, if that’s your goal, but you can also get epically strong without getting huge, we will teach and coach you, whatever your goals are. It will make you more functional strong, for everyday life - Using Tyres, yokes, farmers handles, atlas stones, beer kegs etc will give you ‘Old School’ strength, a raw man strength, lifting and moving weights, you never dreamed possible. Movement Patterns – Covering all aspects of human movement – pulling, pushing, squatting, walking with

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