I Fucked Up

I Owe You An Apology

A wee break from the ‘what GMC’s is’ series, sorry about that but this has been on my mind and felt it needed saying.

I feel I’ve been unhelpful to you and I apologise.
You see the idea of Glasgow Man Club has been in my head since 2012, constantly evolving adding things to it, while all staying mostly in my head, just a bit of a dream, nothing genuinely real, no actual structure or place to do it, just a fairy tale.

I was living in fantasy land!
As long as it remained a brilliant idea, I could never fail at it – right ?
Wrong – by not doing anything with it I was not only doing myself a disservice, but you too. Worse than that, I was already FAILING by not starting.

So this year I started, not the way I planned but whatever works out bang on the way you planned?
Let me explain a little, then I will get to the point
Plan A – I was going to stay in full time employment and take GMC sessions in morning and evenings
My mate was going to back it financially, cause I don’t have any disposable income, he was my safety net till we were up and running

WHAT HAPPENED – my mate hit financial troubles and couldn’t put any money in, not a penny, this was after I had found GMC HQ.
Plan B – OK I’ll try and get by with just my wages, hopefully GMC will get some members quickly and help with rent
WHAT HAPPENED – The company I was working for went into liquidation, I lost my job instantly (can’t make it up right)

Plan C – Push push push GMC – Force it to work, do free webinars, free seminars, free trials, tell everyone how amazing it all is
WHAT HAPPENED – Nothing, you don’t want me selling selling selling to you
So, at last, to the point of this

As I say I have had this ‘amazing idea’ in my head for years, i know it inside out, I know it’ll work, I know everything I’ve added to it will be awesome in helping you create a better life
That’s not what you want right NOW

Right now, you probably just feel a bit shit about certain aspects of life
• Where the fuck did this beer belly come form
• Why am I tired, drained, stressed and grumpy
• I go to work, I go home – that’s it
• You miss the training days, game days, the team banter
• When did my life get so serious
• I want my life to suck less
• Feeling 20 years older than you are
• When did sex stop

Maybe not all these apply to you, maybe some, there will definitely be something you want to change.
This is why I started Glasgow Man Club, because I needed it, I stopped playing football, didn’t hang about with my mates as much, seemingly overnight gained a beer belly. Lost my enthusiasm for life, yeah it kinda felt shit – surely there was more than this after 30?

That’s all I wanted to create – A place where I could hang out with other guys, training hard, laughing, my place to go, away from work, away from family (nothing wrong with creating your own time) where I could be part of a team, training, progressing, learning all with the one aim, making life suck less.

That slight competitive edge, men need that, don’t think you don’t, if you’ve ever done anything within a group of men, you know you never want to finish last. Even though finishing last is still ahead of not entering the game

Get in better shape, more energy, more vitality, be a better person to be around.

So, that’s it – GMC is simply where you can come, your place, your thing. Train, laugh, sweat, learn, grow, get rid of that beer belly, refind yourself, rekindle that sex life that you’ve been too tired to put any effort into.

As I say I’ve been too busy trying to show you all my shit, the sparkly bits, the sexy bits, before I’ve even introduced myself. Probably feels like a bit of overload, too much info too quickly.
Again, my fault, I get excited by GMC and the changes it’ll make to your life, but thats not what you want to hear right now.

SIMPLY PUT – GMC where you’ll lose that beer belly, Dad bod, get stronger, fitter and have a fucking laugh doing it.
All the rest we will still cover, we’ll improve your mindset, motivation, relationships, styling, that is a given.
But right now you probably don’t give a shit about that, you just want to feel and look better.

Hopefully this takes away any confusion and overwhelm you might have about GMC.

You know the script by now
If you think you are ready or need GMC in your life, January membership is now open and we’re still running the competition, every time 5 people sign up, we’ll draw a name from the list who’ll get their membership FREE, your name will stay in the draw, so the quicker you sign up, the more chances you get of winning

90 Day Glasgow Man Club Membership