Make A Choice Or Take A Chance ?

Well, it’s April the 1st, no joking
The first quarter of the year has gone, how much further on are you from January ?
Whether you hoped to be fitter, leaner, bigger, in a relationship, built a better relationship with your partner, family, friends. Moved forward or improved your work life, business etc

Whatever your goals are, are you closer to them, than you were ?

If not, why not ?

Did you start with a plan and not stick to it ? Did it become to much or did you just forget your why, your reason for starting ?

Or maybe you just ‘hoped’ it would happen, left it to chance, like a balloon in the wind, hoping it blows the right direction at the right speed to get you where you want to be when you want to be.

As you can probably guess, very seldom will that option work.

Back to making a plan.

Setting a goal and a timescale is brilliant, done right there is no way you can fail, none
For example if I want to walk 300 miles this month (yes a random number and goal) I know for a fact if I walk 10 miles a day for 30 days I will achieve my goal, that is a fact.

300 miles seems a huge amount, but then break it down to weekly targets, daily targets and just focus on them, remove yourself from the outcome, that will happen just by doing the daily tasks.

This might sound like a stupid goal, but its just to show you how building a plan works.

Whatever your goal is, break it down to weekly, daily tasks, tasks you are capable of and willing to do.
Then do them.

I use 90 day goals as its sufficient time to see results without it being too long, too far away. Plus I can do this 4 times a year, the start of each block setting new goals, but starting from a higher level than the block before.

Maybe if you’ve never done this before you may set simple easily achieved goals, which is cool, because once you achieve them, it will give you a confidence boost to set the next ones a little higher, then the next ones a bit higher again.

Creating a better life, a better you. Imagine how much your life would be better when your setting yourself up for a guaranteed 4 wins (or more, it doesn’t need to be just 1 goal each quarter) a year.

Rather than being the balloon hoping for the right winds

If you’re not sure how to plan a 90 day block and break it down into weekly and daily plans, drop me an e-mail at and I’ll send you the methods I use