More SEX , Money and a Six Pack


Those 3 subjects, how often have you seen them on the front page of the Men’s style, fitness and health magazines.

This is what they are selling us, is it what we want

Fucking right it is !

Are we going to get these by reading magazines, flicking through youtube, googling it

Probably not

Why ?

Because these are written by some guy that’s maybe never been to Glasgow, He doesn’t understand me, he doesn’t know me. He’s probably some rich smart arse PT/Coach that has no clue about the shit I go through. He doesn’t give two shits about me. Another generic program aimed at the masses

You might do a couple of the sessions, stick to the new diet till Thursday, Friday if you,re doing well, then the weekend is here

FUCK IT, I’ve worked hard, stuck to my diet and exercise, I DESERVE a reward.

Usually this involves getting ‘on it’ whatever your ‘on it’ is drink, drugs, porn, shit food, out on the pull.

Fuck it up over the weekend, then that wee voice in your head says ‘I knew you wouldn’t succeed at that’ ‘ I told you, you weren’t good enough’ ‘ you don’t deserve any better’

Back down that dark hole you go.

Does it have to be like that ?

Why can’t you have it all

Why can’t you achieve the results you want, while enjoying the life you’re living, Fuck it actually living a better life.


Better relationships = better and more sex, not just sleeping about at the weekend, enjoying the chase but not really getting anything from it, you may of loved that life in your 20’s but is it really what you want now ?

Speaking of your 20’s when you ate what you wanted, worked hard, played hard, invincible.

Now you feel too old to play sports the beer belly is starting to appear ‘It’s over, you’re past your prime’


Again, what is actually stopping you ?

  • Lack of information ! Bullshit – if anything you have too much information

You know how to lose weight, get fitter – google it, youtube it, read about it

  • Lack of time – If you want something you’ll make time, maybe you just need to manage time better
  • I’m too old, too injured, too tired, too fat, blah blah fucking blah

These are excuses not reasons

But you don’t understand, it’s different for me, I don’t have the time, I don’t have the money, I can’t , my knees are shot

Look I’ve been there, some times I still go there.

I know how to get past those excuses now, I’ve been the fat guy, currently trying to make a guest appearance, but I’m on to him.



You know if you train consistently you’ll get fitter, stronger

You know if you consistently eat better, less calories you’ll get leaner

Working on your money consistently, now I wonder what that would do you to your finances ?


G.M.C has some exciting plans coming up, You’ll definitely WANT to be involved