Nutrition 101 – GMC style

Well, here we are at the nutrition page. This section has probably the biggest amount of information, what with all the ‘magical’ diets, myths, and beliefs than any of our other core subjects at the Glasgow Man Club.
Our aim is to improve your knowledge on nutrition and your diet, by diet we mean the food you eat, day in day out, not a ‘fad diet’ that promises the fastest results.
We will be explaining, why these diets don’t work and how you can gain optimal results, by eating the correct foods at the correct time. There are no points or calories to count, no soup, grapefruit, Atkins style diets to follow.
What we will teach and show you is the following:
What food you should be eating more of and which you should limit.
Pre and post workout nutrition, to improve your energy during sessions, for recovery and repair after sessions. Leading to better workouts and better results.
What foods to buy, Organic, non-organic, grass fed, free range; we will help break down all these confusing issues for you.
Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats – how much, when, why – Should you be avoiding any of these, should you be eating more of these. Again we will answer all these questions.
Supplements – What if any supplements should you be taking and when.
Preparation – Planning and cooking meals ahead of time, the best methods to keep you on track.
Why following our nutritional guidelines, will burn body fat quicker and healthier than any fad diet

At GMC , we will advise you on all the above information and a shit load more. How much you take on board, will depend on you, your circumstances, workload, etc. We understand that, so we won’t be forcing anyone to follow our nutritional guidelines 100%.
But, we also know the closer to our guidelines you stay the quicker and better your results will be.
Higher energy levels, quicker recover, better sleep patterns, higher sex drive, improved body composition, better skin complexion, hair growth, reduce inflammation, to name a few of the improvements you can gain.
We are also aware, most guys enjoy a wee (or massive) night out every now and then, and we do too! We are not going to tell you to stop these, but we will give you advice on how to prepare for and how to try and improve recovery from these nights. We will probably be organising a few of these nights for you.