Overwhelm, ma Heid’s burst

Information, Information, Information

It’s fucking everywhere !!!

Want to know something we google it and then spend hours hunting through all the options, all the downloads, all the videos, before finally forgetting what the question was.
Too much conflicting information, just adds to an already confused brain.

I hear this from a lot of men when discussing what G.M.C comprises of, what is expected, what work you need to do.

Once I start explaining all the service G.M.C provides I can see how it can easily become overwhelming, seem like too much to take on, too much work, too much effort, too much time, just too much.
I get it, I really do, it is a lot

I get that most men are already too stressed, too confused, too busy.
That’s exactly why G.M.C HAS to cover all the issues it does. Not to add more ‘stuff’ to your day but to help you deal with it better.
Be more productive in less time, have more free time.

Build better relationships, not going home a tired, anxious grumpy bastard who doesn’t want to talk to anyone, do anything except eat your dinner and fall asleep in your chair.
I get that you’ve worked hard to create the career/business you have, I get that it takes a lot of time and energy. Energy you feel you don’t have anymore.
You have the house, the family, the holidays, no one ‘needs’ anything, but you still feel they want more, you want more.
So you work harder, longer hours, getting more stressed, more anxious, more tired – fucked

Then G.M.C comes along – that looks good you think, ‘just what I need’
Then you look into it, 3 x training sessions a week – ‘I can do that’
90 day targets – ‘I can do that’
30 day target – ‘I can do that’ ‘Once a month – doddle’
Weekly battle plan – ‘I can do that’ ‘it’s only once a week – ‘every week?’
Daily wins – ‘I can do that’ (well most days) ‘every day ! I don’t have time’
It sounded good, but I can’t commit to that, I don’t have the time, the energy, it’s different for me, ‘you don’t understand’


I’ve heard all these excuses and a thousand (maybe not a thousand) more.
I get it, its a another thing on your to do list, just adding to that pile.
That’s exactly why you need G.M.C
We’re not trying to make your pile bigger, we may not even make it smaller, but we will show you how to deal with it better.
How to make you a more energised man. Teach you how to cope by creating a better Mindset.
How to be stronger, leaner. Be a better person to be around.

I went off on a tangent there, sorry

This blog is not here to sell you G.M.C

This is to help you look at things a different way
Back to the start
You have a problem, you google the answer
Pages and pages of ‘answers’ appear too many too much
It’s all too much I’ll just fail as I don’t have the………..see previous excuses
Problem still here and you feel more of a failure !

What if
What if you just started something, picked one bit of advice from the selection and tried it?
Yes it may be the wrong thing for you, it may not work

What if
What if it did ? perfect result – job done

What If
You don’t bother with any of the advice, it’s all too much, I’m worried about failing
Well then my friend, I’d say you’ve already failed, you’re already doing the thing that’s holding you back from trying ! You’re failing BIG TIME.
Makes you think eh ?

What If
What if it doesn’t work ? At least you tried, you took action, at the very worst you know what doesn’t work, you can rule that out. You’re at one step further forward. You failed forward.

Everyone at some point looks at where they want to be, what they want to become ‘the big picture’ and its too big, too daunting, too far away, requires too much work.
It’s overwhelming

What if you break it down to more manageable stages,
If you have a 3 month goal
Where do you need to be in 30 days ?
Where do you need to be in a week ?
What 1 thing do you need to do today ?
Yes break it down to that next 1 thing
Never mind 90 days from now, that’ll come anyway, what do you need to do today ?
Then tomorrow, then this week, then this month etc
90 days comes – target reached – simple as that

Yes, too much information can be overwhelming, but not if you learn how to breaking it down to 1 thing, just 1

You can do that eh ?