Try A New Way

December is here, you’re hopefully aware of that

You probably fall into one of two camps, fed up with the whole thing already or getting a Christmas buzz on

No matter which, the fact is it’s that time of year and almost another year done.
That’s one of the points I want to make, looking back at this time last year, would you be happy at what you’ve achieved, proud, sad that it maybe something’s didn’t work out even though you started out trying to achieve them or even worse you feel ok about your year, didn’t do anything major but nothing bad happened either -a vanilla year
Whichever of those, or any other option 2018 has been for you, there is one fact, it’s gone (apart from the last few weeks) you can’t change that.

What you can do though is plan 2019 to be an awesome year.

One of my favourite questions is this –Where do you want to be in 12 months from now ?
In life, in fitness, in body shape, in relationship wise, in business/work, all or any of these ?
If you were to read this again on the same day next year, what would you like to say you’ve done ?

This may sound simple or it may sound like you’ve chosen targets and goals every year at this time, only for them to have been forgotten about a long time ago, or you started, hit a bump or two and stopped, no one to help you over that bump, no plans in place to make sure you hit those goals.

I get it, I’ve been there and even this year, I only really started putting structures and plans in place 3/4’s of the way through the year.
Making half hearted, unconvincing promises to no one really, no accountability, no conviction, no plan, so no really chance of reaching those goals.

So, what are you going to do differently this year? Anything?
Or just try the proven methods (proven not to work for you)! At least you can always say you tried eh
Or do something different, try something new, something with structure, set protocols, helping you overcome obstacles, sometimes before you even hit them.
What about having higher levels of accountability, greater support from a team pushing and supporting all its members, a proper team effort.
Do you think that would create a platform for you to greatly increase your chances of success ?
12 months from now, you could read this and say –‘ I remember this, I was going to do …………’
Or 12 months from now you could read this and say -‘ Look at what I’ve done, I’ve come so far, achieved everything I set out to do’
12 months is going to pass, its up to you how you use that time.

If you’ve tried the same thing a few times and not gained the results, it’s time to try something else

What you choose is up to you ?

Glasgow Man Club is an option, but not the only one

If it works, stick with it, if not change try a new approach

Most of all find something you enjoy

Life isn’t meant to be a constant chore

Why not come along to our free seminar and get £100 off GMC Membership