Why Glasgow Man Club is important

Why surrounding yourself with like minded people is important

I’ve recently been talking and listening to a lot of people about their lives and some giving me their opinion on the Glasgow Man Club, some good, some a bit mis informed as to what and mor e importantly why I see the Glasgow Man Club as a much needed place.
Firstly, lets get some of the misconceptions I have heard out of the way –
Glasgow Man Club is not ant of the following – anti female, a lads club for piss ups and stag do behaviour, a gay club, an anti gay club, a standard gym.
So what and why is it and why do I feel it is needed ?

Everyone is different, everyone has had their own stories to tell, their own troubles to work through. Wherever and whoever you are, if you are male, female, gay, straight, black, white, tall, short, fat, thin, sporty, unsporty, ginger hair, curly hair, wear glasses, disabled, able bodied, a genius, the sports team you support.
At some point you’ve probably had to deal with people who are anti (fill in whatever part you dealt with) and maybe faced bullying or prejudice.
Whatever your story is, I believe everyone should be treated equally.
That doesn’t mean everyone needs the same things.
Whatever you’re trying to do, achieve, whatever you are going through, people find it easier, get better results doing it with others, being in a like minded group, people who understand, people who get it, know what you’re going through.
A few simple examples of this would be fat loss clubs, you know the ones, weekly meetings, everyone having that goal to lose weight, somewhere they are all on a similar path, there is a huge support and empathy for what everyone is going through.
Hobby and supporters clubs, where people with a passion for something (cars, sewing, a sports team, music etc etc) so can talk about this passion, try new things associated with it, learn more, become better at it, if its a skill based hobby.
The Glasgow Man Club is exactly the same. A group of men training, learning, hanging out. Able to talk about and work through the issues that today’s modern man goes through.
Creating a high level of support, accountability, results while having fun and banter while doing it.
A place you feel a part of, it’s not your work, where you are (whatever position you are) or home, where you are partner, father, son, breadwinner or home maker, whatever.
GMC is where you are ( fill in your name) one of the guys, part of the team. If you ever played team sports, you’ll remember the changing room/ training session atmosphere and work rate, thats the kind of thing we are building.
Having that support while also supporting the other guys, creating an environment, where results are guaranteed, a place you look forward to coming into, where the work ethos will inspire you to be better.
When you hit stumbling blocks, someone will be here to push/guide you through it.
Maybe you struggle to discuss things at work, at home, people maybe don’t’ get you’
We at GMC will definitely get you.
Yes the GMC sessions are only for men, from the above points, I hope you can see why.

We at Glasgow Fitness Academy run mixed groups and 1:1 training for anyone too, GMC is just a part of what we do.
A part that we feel is much needed